Day 13, Invergordon to Bettyhill

Friday 29th July 2022, 126.22km, 973m

A day of (mostly) gentle climbs and spectacular vistas as we headed north from Invergordon. Almost every mile brought a new “wow” moment as the landscape became more moorland.

The Falls of Shin was a slight disappointment as we didn’t see any leaping salmon, well I didn’t anyway, but the water cascading over the falls was rather hypnotic.

Lunch at The Crask Inn was taken in a very sunny garden and the rest of the day was some of the best cycling I have ever had. The scenery was stunning, the roads flowed beautifully and the group rode really well together.

It doesn’t get much better than this

The toughest climb of the day was the one to the hotel; Martin and Jasmine flew at it with Stef having a good go at it too. I think I was enjoying the view too much to put that amount of effort in.

North Atlantic at Berryhill

The view out over the North Atlantic was another ”wow” moment; we have been very lucky with the weather in Scotland. It was warm enough to sit outside in shorts and a t-shirt while drinking a cold pint.

We have now ridden from the south coast of England to the north coast of Scotland; we just have the 50 miles along the coast to John O’Groats to do.