Saturday 30th July 2022, 80.74km, 837m
The day started with Martin and Ryan leading Jasmine out to try to get a new best time on the hill below the hotel with the rest of the group cheering them on.
Once we got rolling we immediately sped down a hill, inevitably the road then went skywards again as we started the first of four climbs, all in the first part of the ride. I was feeling strong and was happy to push on.
There was a strong tailwind that made things interesting when the road turned it into a cross wind but we were flying along again.
Somehow I managed to set a new best time for 40km without really thinking about it. No traffic lights, roundabouts or junctions definitely helped, as did the tailwind.
The arrival at John O’Groats is rather anticlimactic as the road just feeds into a large cark park; there is none of the sense of arrival as I felt when we got to Land’s End.
LEJOG DONE. Medals were given out, congratulations given and received, photos taken and then let it sink in. We have just ridden from the southwest corner of England to the northeast corner of Scotland. It’s taken 14 days that started in the middle of a heat wave and ended with some of the nicest weather Scotland could possibly offer.
Riding the length of the country is quite an achievement; one I wasn’t sure I was capable of doing until I actually did it. It helped that I rode with a great group of people. We dragged each other through the tough days and shared the great days.
I kept the pedals turning through all of it, saw some beautiful parts of the country and can now say I rode from Land’s End to John O’Groats.