Wednesday 20th July 2022, 135.19km, 1,564m

Another uphill start to the day but it does get the legs warmed up. Today was going to be a day of iconic places and bridges. First up was Cheddar Gorge. One of only two climbs on the trip that feature in the UK’s top 100 climbs this was the one I was looking forward to. It is stunning to look at as you climb up through the gorge although the couple of steep corners take you breath away for a completely different reason. As it goes on it gets gradually easier but seems to go on forever.

After the morning brew stop we were onto the second of the day’s highlights, the Clifton Suspension Bridge. I found it very amusing that there is a tiny section of bike path to bypass the toll barriers and we all stopped to take pictures and admire the view and the drop down to the river and road below.
Onwards through Clifton heading towards Wales via the Severn Bridge. A closed road added a diversion but we were soon at the old bridge that used to carry the M4 to Wales. On the approach Jasmine had been sitting on the front when she flicked her elbow to say she wanted me to take over. She is such a good bike rider and this really amused me, it was a mini highlight of the day; someone who really knows about bike riding flicking the elbow.
I was disappointed not to see a Welcome to Wales sign, particularly as I’d have liked to photograph it!
More rain after lunch and then riding along the Wye Valley. At this point my Garmin decided to die and I had to quickly start Strava on my watch to capture the rest of the ride.

The afternoon’s brew stop was at the top of a slight rise. This gave Stefan a chance to be the first up the hill until Martin unleashed Jasmine. She tore after him and easily beat him to the top.
Bizarrely the shop in St Weonards has a LEJOG signpost.
We were obviously taking a backroads route to Hereford as we were the opposite way to the road signs at least 3 times but it did mean we reached the hotel without having to cycle in a lot of traffic.
Today was a great day, we had a great group of riders again and saw some amazing sights.
In the hotel bar before dinner the sight of an ice frosted glass for Heineken made that the most popular drink.