After yesterday’s lovely weather today started wet and windy and would stay wet and windy for the whole day. The traditional photo in our jerseys was hilarious as Rad gave us a countdown for us to unzip our rain jackets, he took the photo and we all zipped them up again.
We’d barely got going and my saddle height felt wrong. After stopping to reset it I found it quite a chase to get back to the group. I thought the group was a bit too big so pushed on and then found myself out the front on my own as none of Martin, Jasmine or Vicky had gone with me. Best laid plans etc…
The brew stop should have given us a good view of Mont St Michel but it was a vague shape in the dank grey sky.
After the respite of the brew stop it was back into the rain and wind to the picnic lunch. I am sure this would have been lovely on a nice day but in persistent rain it was more of a fueling stop than a picnic. My bike was filthy which is never good in my eyes.
Finally we arrived at the hotel. A hose was supplied to wash our bikes and I settled into the ritual of kit washing, showing and finding out where the bar is.
The weather was awful but it was a good day as I was finally starting the trip to Nice, I was riding my bike with friends I’ve not seen for ages and that made up for the rain and wind.