Day 2 – Chateaubourg to Arville

A dry start to the day was a much better way to start riding compared to yesterday. My legs felt a bit tired, a similar feeling to after a cafe stop but they soon warmed up and get used to the idea that I was riding my bike for the 2nd day running. The 4 of us were keeping up a nice pace, not too fast but not idling either. The brew stop soon came around and I ditched the arm warmers for sunscreen; if this wasn’t going to bring on the rain then nothing would.

The whole day was one of rolling hills and long straight roads with the 4 of us cruising along chatting. The picnic lunch felt like more of a picnic, it was in a park and the sun was shining.

The hotel appeared sooner than we thought and we rolled in after a very pleasant day on the bike. The weather had been a lot nicer and this definitely made the day seem like less of an effort.